Our Mexico Campus Pastors

We love supporting our four Mission Campuses in Mexico! We have Pastors Jorge and Yolanda, who pastor our La Paz and Marquez De Leon locations. In San Jose, we have Pastors Alex and Yadira and Pastors Benny and Marychuy in Cabo San Lucas. Talk about a dream team! If you have ever met our beautiful pastors at our annual conference, you will know their hearts are set to win souls for Christ and change lives in Mexico. 

Through your generous giving, we can send money to our Churches and Pastors every month. You may not know this, but the conditions and the environments these Campus Pastors are working in make it near impossible to raise a local income. They are not supported by the government. Their church members cannot afford to give, making it incredibly difficult for them to live off tithes and offerings. 

What we contribute and give towards our Mexico Campuses is really life-changing for them. What may be USD 100 a month for each Campus Pastor may not sound like a lot to us – but it’s the greatest support to them and the local ministries they are pouring out into.  

From Hopeless to Pastor

Puniya was born in a staunch Hindu family in the mining town of Kolar Gold Fields. He was a practicing Hindu and followed the rituals and customs of the religion strongly. He had a very hostile heart towards Christianity and the Church since he was a staunch follower of a particular deity among the 33 million Hindu gods.

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