Missionaries In Our Backyard

Many of us don’t realise the huge need and mission outreach opportunities that are in our own backyard! Pastor Mary-Kath and her team dedicate themselves to helping those who need it most in our community. They witness firsthand the trauma and darkness, and bring the light of Christ into many families and situations.

Agencies that work with our community know who to call when crisis hits. The following account is just one of the stories where our help, and the donations of food, clothing, blankets and time from City Impact Church has been life changing.

One of the agencies we work with is Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Through this agency, we have met and provided meals for (along with house-cleaning and garden-cleaning) one grandparent in Albany who is raising her 3 grandchildren alongside her husband.

One Saturday, the grandmother opened the door to find 6 additional grandchildren aged 1-9 years at her front door. Their mother, her daughter is nowhere in sight. Upon asking the kids where Mum is, she discovers that Mum dropped the kids down the road, around the corner, and told them to walk to Grandma’s house; no food, no possessions, nothing with them, just the clothes on their back. The grandparents have gone from primary caregivers of 3 grandchildren to the primary caregiver of 9 children, including a one year old that is suffering from drug withdrawals, in an instant.

The call from Grandparents Raising Grandchildren came to Mary-Kath and the team first-thing Monday morning: ‘can you help?’ A trip to K-mart for blankets and pyjamas, a stop-off at the grocery store for some fresh vegetables and a trip to the freezer stocked with meals made by people in the church and that same day we were able to provide meals, clothes, blankets and pyjamas. This is followed up by ongoing support of meals and a friendly face which lends an ear whenever necessary on a regular basis.

This is our Mission Outreach in the community and this is the purpose of Here To Help and Community Impact.