Here is a commentary from Ps Joe on Genesis 1 from our Chronological Bible in a Year Bible reading plan – to join in on this on the YouVersion Bible app click here
In the beginning, God – the very first words of scripture. Before the chaos of the world, before the first person was ever created, before the earth was formed out of nothing, there was God.
Seated high on his throne, complete in and of Himself. All powerful and not lacking anything. As we start this new Bible reading plan, let this be an encouragement to us that at the beginning of our season of new – God is there.
God is in control. He is all-sufficient. He is high and lifted up, seated on his heavenly throne. The Bible calls him the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He brought order out of chaos with creation, creating things out of nothing. And He has ensured that His creation has everything needed to sustain itself.
We are all a part of that. God created all of humanity. We are told that we are made in His image. And likewise, He has given us everything we need to live and to flourish.
The great news is that God wasn’t just present at creation, to only then disappear and leave us to our own devices. Instead, from Genesis, where we start today, and throughout scripture, we will see God continuing to sustain. He continues to provide. He continues to bring order. This shows us a vital element of His character – that He is faithful and interested in the process. Thus, He is called the Author and the perfecter.
Our prayer is that you know from the beginning of scripture and all the way through, that God is in it. Revealing himself and showing us his plans. He is in control and so immeasurably faithful.
As we read the Bible together, no matter what our season holds before us, God will be with us. Through it all, He remains steadfast, good and faithful.