“When God places something in your hand, He expects you to do something with it. When God gives you a space, He expects you to fill it.”
– Ps Bev Mortlock
In the year 1990, we were blessed with 30 acres of land in Albany and knew that God put it in our hands for the purpose of expansion. Originally, we had thought about building a 5,000 seat capacity. But, at the time, that was way out of the picture for council consent.
Pastors Peter and Bev worked closely with architects to bring their vision to life; a project totalling $16 million dollars. Knowing, full of faith, that God had called us to build the building, we knew the resources were there in order to make it happen – we just had to find them! For three consecutive years we took up miracle offerings and received around $10 million dollars; an absolute miracle. We are so incredibly thankful for faithful people, who have not only worked, but have given. Without those offerings and the generosity of the church hand-in-hand with voluntary labour, we wouldn’t be seated in the building today.
The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build…”
– Nehemiah 2:20
This whole building project is an absolute credit to the people of City Impact Church. Elder and civil engineer, Syd Jones, carried the faith to be able to, as a church, undergo the project ourselves rather than outsourcing labour. Following in the legacy of his father, who constructed the clock tower in Gore, Ps Syd believed that this was his opportunity to leave his legacy; not only to his family and the district of the North Shore, but also to the rest of New Zealand.
“Collectively, we can do so much more.”
– Ps Syd Jones
Ps Peter truly believes that God is building His Kingdom and He’s doing it through us. As a church, we’re so excited and grateful to be a part of that.
It was important that City Impact Church looked and felt like a home, more than just being a commercial building. Mark Mortlock was a key part in bringing the design of City Impact Church to life. He was responsible for the majority of the design work that went into the building; the furnishings, skirtings, textures, colours, materials. He carried the heart of the house and carried it through the design process.
“All of those little things are extremely important, and it’s my job to make sure that they’re right.”
– Mark Mortlock
It was so incredibly special to have moved into the Sanctuary on the 25th July, just in time for our church’s 25th anniversary. Watching the project come together was incredible, seeing people who had never lifted a hammer in their life become a part of the construction process. Over 90% of what people see, and can’t see behind the scenes, have been completed by the people of City Impact Church. In the words of Mark Mortlock: “it’s almost as if this building has a heart.” Knowing the story behind the build, we can’t help but be moved when we enter it. We have managed to achieve something that is truly bigger than ourselves.
But it’s not just about the goodness of God, it’s also about the faithfulness of His people.
Building Quick Facts
- Poured over 800 trucks of concrete
- Poured over 8 acres in concrete
- Handled 80 tonnes of steel
- Applied 1,308 sheets of reinforcing mesh
- Laid over 37 kilometres of cable wiring
- Moved 30,000 tonnes of dirt and clay
- Worked over 100,000 man hours