Bible in a Year Devotional – Mark 4

Here’s a devotional on Mark 4 from our Bible in a Year reading plan. Click here to join us in reading the Bible in a Year.


“Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they sprouted, grew, and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
Mark 4:8 NLT

DEVOTIONAL - Cultivate the Soil of Your Heart

Often, this parable is referred to as the “Parable of the Sower,” but another name could be the “Parable of the Soils” because the only thing that changes is the different soils; the seed and the sower remain the same. Jesus tells His disciples that the seed represents the word of God, and the soil represents the hearts of those who receive it.

Today, we could ask ourselves the question: When the word is preached, what is the state of our hearts to receive it? It is interesting that people can hear the same message, and yet it produces different responses. Some hear the word, and instantly, their walls go up—they become prideful, unteachable, and even criticize the preacher. Some hear the word, are excited about it, but never put it into practice because they’re easily distracted by the things of this world. Others hear the word and accept it with gladness, maybe even put it into practice, but they lack depth and never produce lasting fruit. Still, there are those who hear the word, accept it, and produce good fruit in their lives.

To do this, we must cultivate the soil of our hearts through prayer, reading Scriptures, worship, fellowship, repentance, serving others, and being doers of the word.


King David penned these words: “Create in me a pure heart, O God,” after he realized the state of his heart. Today, would you honestly ask yourself the question: What is the state of my heart? If there is anything hindering you from receiving God’s word, take time to reflect and repent so that you may produce good fruit.


Lord, search my heart. I repent of anything hindering me from receiving Your word. Stir up the soil of my heart so that Your word may take root and produce a great harvest. Amen.